lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


Cultural heritage is the set of all goods, material (tangible) and intangible assets [1] (intangibles), which by its own value, should be considered of interest relevant to the permanency of the identity and culture of a people. [ 2] [3] is the cultural heritage of the past itself, with which a people lives today and we pass on to future generations [4]. Contents [hide] 1 Values cultural 2 Protecting cultural heritage 2.1 Indigenous Peoples 3 The Cultural Heritage in different countries 3.1 Spain Panama 3.2 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Cultural values [edit] are part of cultural heritage property as fortresses, castles, temples, houses, squares, urban, rural works and other places with value for the history, archeology, paleontology and science in general. Personal property includes paintings, sculptures or crafts. Intangible assets are regarded as literature, music, folklore, language, customs, and especially their own knowledge, as knowledge of biodiversity, the concept of territory or traditional medicine. That is, "cultural heritage consists of all goods and cultural values that are expressions of nationality or identity of a people," such as tradition, customs and habits, as well as all tangible and intangible assets movable and immovable, and that have special historical, artistic, aesthetic, plastic, architectural, urban, archaeological, environmental, ecological, linguistic, sound, music, audiovisual, film, scientific, testimonial, documentary, literary, literature, museums, anthropological and demonstrations, products and representations of popular culture. "[5]

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